Saturday 18 May 2013

Project: The Dead Masters

"Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." - Lewis Carroll

Logic is often present as a basis used by many for decision-making. More often than not, people requires clear advantage in order for them to believe in something. This logic is usually a form of information gathering and evaluation to come up with the best solution available. However, it was not 100% logic that all people in the world use to make decision; there is the abstract existence of feeling.

Why is logic described here? It is to make sure that you have logic in mind, to determine whether to continue reading or not. This is because you need to know logic to know what is logical and what is not: The Dead Masters surely consist of illogical decisions and vague interpretations. This project has been going on for quite a long while, and the whole concept is pretty much materialized. It is just a matter of time before everything flows into the main plot.

The Dead Masters has a vague target of audience: the indescribable demonic power makes it unsuitable for adults looking for serious readings, but its baseless logic makes it incomprehensible for many teenagers. Perhaps most people will come across it and find it simply weird. Much of it is simply illogical, but no one is to deny that the end of the world can be pictured in the project.

By logic, the direct conclusion is not to read. However, isn't there something else in you that allures you to continue exploring just how insanity can be pictured in a literary piece? Maybe another perspective can bring you closer not to what you really want, but what you really need.

"Go to sleep." - Mom

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