Tuesday 24 September 2013

Temple Underneath

Big Fishes' Carnival at The Lake - Temple Underneath

The word 'damp' couldn't even describe the place in which I found myself starving in. While I expected the whole corridor of moss to be completely pitch-black, it was instead illuminated by a dim blueish green light with some shade of purple, which was even more eerie than necessary, for the light seemed to came from nowhere. In such a vile space, I slowly wandered around, prepared with live ammunition I wish I could eat instead.

Friday 13 September 2013

After All

Big Fishes' Carnival at The Lake - After All

He had been hurt, but that wasn't a reason nor an excuse for him to hurt her. Then again, reason was of the most complicated and difficult for them to understand. None understood why he came to her. None understood why she nodded. None understood why he was furious, and none understood why she was crying. Only one word engulfed their mind: failure.