Friday 17 May 2013

Blood Runs Through Veins

"Blood runs through veins." - A Biology Textbook

If you happen to find the word "Kygrykhon" familiar, then there is a really small, although exists, chance of you having read my previous blog, Only three posts there, nothing much to say. However, if you then asked me about why moving to a new blog, I need to explain a bit of things.

Accept it: in real life, hearts move. We live in an era where not undergoing change is an act of changing the norm itself. Changes are expected, chased upon, highly appreciated, although not all of the changes contributes to the betterment of our society. Even when we knew some changes are malignant, it is just the flux of changes that determines life, at least for now. Static are seen to be an enemy. So when I had a change of heart, no one has the right to oppose me: I'm just following the crowd.

So after two years of neglecting my previous blog, I decided to change. It is no longer the outside truth that will be expressed, but something even deeper, to the essence of life, the blood of Kygrykhon. The deepest of hearts might not be revealed on the first chapter of a good novel, but we keep reading it because we believe that at one point in the story, everything will become clear, all nook and cranny. As more posts is contained in this blog, maybe one day we can touch on the heart, the core of the truth, but first we need to take a step deeper - to the veins where blood flows.

If you have read my previous blog, you will notice straight away that all of the above are just beautiful (read:nonsense). Nobody will realize the Kygrykhon had simply made a mistake of not storing a required phrase into his memory, and thus he was stripped off his access to the true Kygrykhon.

Well, survive another nonsense and I'll give you even more than you wanted. For now, I'll end up with a quote.

"My homework and this blog is far more interesting than a piece of pizza." - No One Ever

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